Nurture Works Foundation Inc is excited to announce that YouthCARE has taken over the running of BUZ school programs from
1 July 2024. Please direct all program related enquiries and school orders
to their Perth office
ph 9376 5000,
Thank you

Board Members for Community Based
Nurture Works Foundation Inc.
Kim Evans:
Self-employed businessman, wife Catherine was a former director of BUZ. Kim is inspired by the benefits he has seen his children gain from BUZ camps and programs and sits on the Board in hope of bringing this to more children, inspiring a happier and healthier community.

John Morris:
Retired banker, church warden and parish administrator at Saint Mary’s parish. John continues to be inspired by the impact of BUZ upon the parish and wider community. For opportunities where children and families can develop and grow are essential for today and the communities of the future.
Jo Burns:
Deputy Principal at Georgiana Molloy Anglican School- Teacher for thirty years plus, knows first-hand how important it is for children to have resilience skills to face an array of situations and people. BUZ programs can develop these skills in children.
Justine Richmond
Teacher at Georgiana Molloy Anglican School, as a parent, BUZ volunteer and teacher, she’s seen the real value that BUZ has given to her children and would like to see this available for all children.